Thursday, 6 February 2014

Snow by Joshua (Squirrel Class)

Snow falls slowly like leaves, white covers the grass.
Snow flakes look like stars in the sky, making swirly patterns like a picture.
Children like to play in the snow, it's cold like a freezer so adults stay in the warm.
People like watching the children play in the snow, it's like watching the telly.


  1. I love your poem, Joshua, particularly the first line because it uses alliteration and sounds really effective when you read it aloud.I can really picture the snowflakes when you describe them as being like stars swirling in the sky. Well done.

  2. I love your poem too Joshua. I agree it is like watching TV when you look out your window to watch people playing in the snow! Well done Joshua.

  3. Your poem painted such a lovely picture Joshua
