Friday 31 January 2014

Snow by Evan (Eagle Class)

I like it when it snows
I make angels with my arms and toes.
Snowmen are fun.
Built with mum.
Snow on the news
Means you never loose.
Squashed and flat under my boot
Snow crunches like a hoot!

Saturday 25 January 2014

Snow, Snow, Snow!! by Zak (Mole Class)

Snow is wet like my flannel.
Snow is squeaky like a bath toy.
Snow is sparkly like glitter
Snow is white like ice cream.
Snow falls from the sky like rain with parachutes.
Snow is cold like space.

Sydney's Snow Simile (Eagle Class)

Snow is as soft as a cotton ball.
Space is as cold as ice.
A snowman is as cute as a baby bear.
Ice is as cold as a frozen apple.

Sunday 19 January 2014

A Winter Poem by Ruby (Mole Class)

The snow was as crunchy as the crisps in my lunchbox,
The snowballs were as round as an orange,
The icicles looked like beautiful jewels hanging on my necklace,
The snowman was as white as a polar bear,
The snowflakes danced around like twirling ballerinas,
The river was frozen like a stone statue.